3 Years ago on this date, June 18th I kicked in the first ever test post. After quite some time on my personal blog, it was time to move my movie reviews to a place of their own. Reviews went up here week after week, but it wasn’t until December 1st of 2009 that I actually started looking at making this thing a full blown site. So with a poster from Iron Man 2 business was about to pick up. And the rest as they say is history.
With a current article count of nearly 3500, The Movie Bit has grown into something I never thought possible. With things taking off, the site needed some extra hands, so a bunch of exceptionally talented writers came on board. Below is a selection of grabs from the site from the last 3 years and various other bits!! As you can see, things have changed quite a bit.
So, I’ll take this moment to thank all of our writers past and present for making the site what it is. Your writing, knowledge and delivery is phenomenal. And a special thank you goes out to the PR agencies who assist and provide every day as well as our friends in the movie industry who have been incredibly supportive of this endeavour especially Universal, Paramount, Disney, Warner Bros., Element Pictures and Eclipse Pictures. But most importantly thank YOU for dropping by in your thousands every single day of the year! And I really have to mention my long suffering wife. She lost her husband night after night to designing this thing not to mention all the bloody typing that goes on! Thanks babe! (Everyone go ahhhhhh)
Right, off to cut the cake! And thanks again for making the last 3 years worthwhile! Here’s to another 3….at the very least!
Best Regards!
Vic Barry
Founder / Editor

With a current article count of nearly 3500, The Movie Bit has grown into something I never thought possible. With things taking off, the site needed some extra hands, so a bunch of exceptionally talented writers came on board. Below is a selection of grabs from the site from the last 3 years and various other bits!! As you can see, things have changed quite a bit.
So, I’ll take this moment to thank all of our writers past and present for making the site what it is. Your writing, knowledge and delivery is phenomenal. And a special thank you goes out to the PR agencies who assist and provide every day as well as our friends in the movie industry who have been incredibly supportive of this endeavour especially Universal, Paramount, Disney, Warner Bros., Element Pictures and Eclipse Pictures. But most importantly thank YOU for dropping by in your thousands every single day of the year! And I really have to mention my long suffering wife. She lost her husband night after night to designing this thing not to mention all the bloody typing that goes on! Thanks babe! (Everyone go ahhhhhh)
Right, off to cut the cake! And thanks again for making the last 3 years worthwhile! Here’s to another 3….at the very least!
Best Regards!
Vic Barry
Founder / Editor