The Scary Movie franchise has grossed over $700 MILLION worldwide, with four movies in the bag (with only one being anyway funny) it’s now time to do what Hollywood can do best. And that’s jam another movie into a franchise on the grounds that it’s made money. I guess it does make good business acumen doesn’t it? Or maybe its just like a monkey throwing shit at a wall, some will stick!
It’s been 7 years since Scary Movie 4 pointlessly appeared on cinema screens and now Scary Movie 5 is hitting cinemas. And so, is it any good? Well it follows the usual goof / parody layout. Get a bunch of crappy pop culture references in, throw in a few celeb cameos (Charlie Sheen / Lindsey Lohan) and attempt to parody a few recent ish horror movies. Oh and lets not forget a few gross out moments, just for good measure.
In between wondering how in the name of Christ this got funding, fiddling with your smart phone, and scratching yourself, is there any entertainment value here? To delve deeper into this, It’s probably best to compare Scary Movie 5 to a few other things.And if any of these sound like fun to you, then this is certainly a movie you need to buy your ticket for, right now.
Scary Movie 5 is as entertaining as….
Having a troop of chimpanzees continuously throw their shit at your head for 2 hours. The first hour is nothing but shit. The second hour, the clever chimps decide to light it up and throw fire shit at your head.
It’s also equally entertaining as…
Scraping flaming shards of glass across your eyeballs, while at the same time having a rattlesnake repeatedly bite your private parts
And last but not least (and this list could go on forever) you can have as much fun watching Scary Movie 5 as…
Getting oral sex from a Great White Shark
This is the worst movie of the year. Simply put, avoid this like you’d avoid those flaming shit throwing chimps. Scary Movie 5 is a dog shit sundae of a movie!