This isn't really news you want to hear. We've been waiting the sequel to Robert Rodriguez's stylised adaption of the equally stylised comic book Sin City since the original's release way back in 2005. That wait seemed to over with Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, starring Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ray Liotta, Eva Green, Bruce Willis, set for release in October. Now, the film's release has been moved to 2014, specifically August 22nd. This will no doubt be dissappointing to fans waiting 8 years for another slice of hard boiled, black and white noir, which follows the originals template of a series of interconnecting tales, with the tale of Brolin's Dwight (played Clive Owen in the original, placing the sequel chronologically before the first movie) and his run in with the titular dame, Ava Lord (Eva Green), to the fore. So, those looking forward to the sequel, can you wait another year?
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This isn't really news you want to hear. We've been waiting the sequel to Robert Rodriguez's stylised adaption of the equally stylised comic book Sin City since the original's release way back in 2005. That wait seemed to over with Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, starring Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ray Liotta, Eva Green, Bruce Willis, set for release in October. Now, the film's release has been moved to 2014, specifically August 22nd. This will no doubt be dissappointing to fans waiting 8 years for another slice of hard boiled, black and white noir, which follows the originals template of a series of interconnecting tales, with the tale of Brolin's Dwight (played Clive Owen in the original, placing the sequel chronologically before the first movie) and his run in with the titular dame, Ava Lord (Eva Green), to the fore. So, those looking forward to the sequel, can you wait another year?