The latest feature from Disney Animation, Frozen is a take on the tale of The Snow Queen, featuring the voice of Kristen Bell as Anna who gets caught up in a quest to find Elsa, the queen of her land who has accidently codemned her kingdom to an eternal winter. The first trailer doesn't really give any of that away, instead focusing on some kid friendly comic antics with Josh Gad's talking snowman Olaf, and reideer Sven, who reminds me of the scene stealing Maximus from Tangled. In fact, I get a real sense of Tangled from this, which isn't a bad thing. It was one of the most enjoyable features from Disney in the last few years, the perfect meld of their old school fairytales with advances in animation. So far, Frozen has my interest piqued.
Released: 27th November (U.S.)/ 6th December (U.K./IRL)