Ever heard of too much of a good thing? Expect a comic book / superhero movie overload for the next couple of years. Besides a Batman reboot, a Justice League movie, Iron Man 4, Avengers 2, Thor 3, Captain America 3 (you know they’re going to happen) and a multitude of other stuff, The Amazing Spiderman will have another two movies released after next years forthcoming sequel. Sony Pictures have pencilled in June 10th 2016 for a third spidey movie and May 4th 2018 for the fourth one.
Sony are really hedging their bets on the oul webslinger, and I guess they have little choice really? With Warner Bros. and Disney / Marvel have quite an amount of super heroes under their wings. Regardless of a lukewarm reception to Mark Webb’s “reboot” of the franchise, The Amazing Spiderman pulled in $752,216,557.