With the dream project of pretty much every comic book fanboy, Superman vs. Batman, gearing up to start production in little over a month, word has reached us that Argo screenwriter Chris Terrio (which won him an Oscar for his efforts), who of course has ties to the new Batman Ben Affleck, has been brought on to give David Goyer's script the once over before camera start rolling. Now, a lot of people (including pretty much everybody here at The Movie Bit) will say this is a very good thing, seeing as Goyer was quite good at writing action but fell at the hurdle of characterisation with Man of Steel, but with the film this close to production, and with some exterior scenes (including a college football game between Metropolis and Gotham City) already shot, it probably amounts to nothing more than a polish, just getting the script into shape before production starts. But it does show Warner Bros. are taking this movie seriously, and possibly addressing some criticisms levelled at Goyer's script for Man of Steel.
Superman vs. Batman (or whatever they end up calling it) is set for release July 17th 2015.
vis The Hollywood Reporter