Our fingers, toes and other bodily parts are all crossed in the hopes for some form of a teaser for Guardians Of The Galaxy over the next month or two. But in the meantime, Michael Rooker, who plays Yondu, has been speaking about his character. The Walking Dead actor said
“As you can see from some of the photos out there, I’m not in a loincloth. I don’t have a major, major fin thing that goes down my back. We haven’t visually gone with the way that Yondu was in the comics.”
Visually, we can expect “Lovely, beautiful colors” and Rooker hopes that people will see it again and again saying “What do you expect? It is a superhero movie. And I hope that you see it, and you’re going to be going ‘I’m going to see this again.’ That’s what I hope.”
Guardians marks the third time Rooker has teamed up with James Gunn (previously on Slither and Super) and he has nothing but good things to say about the director “It was a beautiful shoot. James Gunn was an awesome, awesome director to work with again. I’ve worked with him before in the past, and it was great to get to do it again. He allows me to do my thing, and he has great comments. Very good director…when you’re lost in the woods, he can direct you.”
Released: August 1st 2014
Synopsis: In the far reaches of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, an unlikely cast of characters including Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket Raccoon must join forces to defeat a cosmic force of epic proportions. Directed by James Gunn, the live-action “Guardians of the Galaxy” will take fans to new corners of the Marvel Universe.