A couple of months ago, Sony and Columbia Pictures announced their plans to build a Spider-Man cinematic universe, akin to what Marvel Studios have pulled off, with ol' web head's villains getting their time in the spot light. The Sinister Six, a team up of Spidey's most fearsome foes, was one of those movies announced, sans director, with The Cabin in the Woods director Drew Goddard attached to write the script. Now the studio has revealed that Goddard will be pulling double duty on the project, having entered negotiations to step in as director. Nothing much is known about the project, which likely hit the big screen after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in 2016, though don't be surprised if the team makes an appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which hits cinemas on this side of the pond on April 16th, and in the U.S. on the 2nd of May.
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A couple of months ago, Sony and Columbia Pictures announced their plans to build a Spider-Man cinematic universe, akin to what Marvel Studios have pulled off, with ol' web head's villains getting their time in the spot light. The Sinister Six, a team up of Spidey's most fearsome foes, was one of those movies announced, sans director, with The Cabin in the Woods director Drew Goddard attached to write the script. Now the studio has revealed that Goddard will be pulling double duty on the project, having entered negotiations to step in as director. Nothing much is known about the project, which likely hit the big screen after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in 2016, though don't be surprised if the team makes an appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which hits cinemas on this side of the pond on April 16th, and in the U.S. on the 2nd of May.