If you are not subscribed to the Stan Winston School on Youtube, you really should as you get everything from special effects tutorials from the best in the business, to behind the scenes insight to how some of the most iconic effect in cinema history were brought to life. Case in point, is this video which delves into the early history of the Predator, when he looked much, much, MUCH different than we know him, and a certain Jean Claude Van Damme was underneath the mask. Check it out below.
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If you are not subscribed to the Stan Winston School on Youtube, you really should as you get everything from special effects tutorials from the best in the business, to behind the scenes insight to how some of the most iconic effect in cinema history were brought to life. Case in point, is this video which delves into the early history of the Predator, when he looked much, much, MUCH different than we know him, and a certain Jean Claude Van Damme was underneath the mask. Check it out below.