While you may already know Cusack is signed on to headline James McTiegue's The Raven, the first picture of the star in costume have just popped up online, courtesy of Gawker! As excited as I am for this flick, the first thing that struck me about the picture is how bored Cusack looks. The next being his black Nike's. Perhaps this is some kind of hip, young alteration on Poe? Maybe he's actually filming 'Teh Ravenz'. Or maybe he's just on a break and I'm over analyzing. Either way, after the hugely entertaining V For Vendetta and Ninja Assassin, I'm a firm believer that McTiegue is a capable director, so teaming with Cusack can only mean one thing; my ass in a cinema seat at least twice. The Raven is based loosely on Edgar Allen Poe and will pit Poe himself against a deranged killer, mimicking his book 'The Raven'.
The Raven is set to hit cinemas in 2011.