Hype or no hype, I still think Paranormal Activity was a brilliantly scary little film, one that utilised the camera brilliantly and properly scared the bejesus out of me when I watched it at home, alone, in the dark (my fault). Unfortunately the sequel was lacking slightly - it had the scares but it just wasn't as novel as the first one. So, with money to be made (the first two made 300million) but the risk of a creative roadblock imminent, Paramount have taken on the creators of one of the most talked about 'documentaries' of late, Catfish, to direct (via Showblitz).
Catfish, which is now doing the rounds on Channel 4, was supposedly a documentary about an internet relationship by Henry Joost and Ariel Shulman (they followed Shulman's brother). I won't spoil the movie, but things certainly don't turn out as you'd think and so, the film has been both a big hit and a target for screams of 'PHONY! YOU'RE A BIG FAT PHONY!'. Having seen it, I think there are both real and fake elements at play personally, but it's done in a very convincing way. Good choices then to tackle the third ghost feature? I think so!
I do hope they change it up a little though - I don't think anyone would blame them for filming at least parts of it conventionally, in order to put it in some fresh light. I imagine Paramount want this to be a Saw situation and will keep churning them out for a while yet, so a little variety will do no harm.
The movie opens October 21. Lets all hope and pray that Micah doesn't return.