So, after 4 years of being online I’ve delved into the review archive and attempted to come up with The WORST movie from the last 4 years! And while there is no shortage of shit to delve through, I think I’ve finally settled on what I believe is the worst pile of drivel unleashed on cinema screens in the last 4 years.
This is a movie that highlights greed in large gloopy amounts. This is a movie that bent it’s fans over and rode them sideways. This is a movie that will make you want to violently punch your eyes until the swell shut! This is a movie that is a sequel!!
Based on a rather brilliant and witty TV show, the original movie showed little of what TV fans loved and adored. But with the sequel things got even worse. The bloke who wrote the season premieres and finales so brilliantly on the TV show, got to write and direct here. Well, did he take a big shit on everyone. And I’m not talking your average shit. I’m talking a shit that was so epic, it’d put Harry from Dumb and Dumber to shame! This was a serious toilet seat clincher!
So, why all the hate? Filled with blatant and obvious product placement, this movie played like more of an advert for various brands than nothing else. The characters all looked like the could kill each other at any given minute (which was compounded by rumours at the time). There was no story, just a bunch of product placed disjointed scenes. How a director could stand over all of this (theres more to come) is beyond me! But then, to make matters even worse, a blatant disregard for other cultures was the icing on this big shit cake! A blatant disregard for other cultures coming from a TV show that was based in one of the most multi diverse cities on earth. But this disregard didn’t go unnoticed and this crock of excrement was banned in the UAE, where parts of it were shot! And I’m far from Mr.Moral but this was disgusting!
So before I reveal what I believe is the WORST movie in the last 4 years, here’s a few things that are far more enjoyable than watching this…
Repeatedly hitting yourself in the head with a lump hammer…until you skull cracks and you pass out….or die
Strapping a tuna head to your ass and go swimming in Shark Alley off South Africa
Watching Paul Blart Mall Cop (and that’s pretty damn bad)
Shaving your pubic region with a chainsaw….blindfolded and drunk
I could go on, but I won’t. So we’ve outlined my reasons above, but before I do the reveal may I add that I’m a huge fan of the TV show. I think it’s hilarious and incredibly well written. Anyway….ladies and gentlemen the WORST movie in the last 4 years is Sex and the City 2.
If you feel something else is more deserving of the title of Worst Movie from the last 4 years, please drop us a comment below.