Regardless of reviews, cinema audiences around the world have parted with over a billion dollars to see Michael Bay’s Transformers Age Of Extinction. Like it or not, expect Transformers 5. I like Michael Bay, I think he’s a very accomplished director and has a really great eye. The Transformers movies though have been plagued by poor, fluffed out writing. While I’d much prefer to suck my eyeballs out with a roomba than endure another Optimus Prime movie, this is a given. What’s not a given is whether or not Michael Bay will direct it.
Speaking to USA today the director said “There’s kind of a new chapter, a new direction in movies I want to make, I have a lot of stories to tell. And it’s about flexing new muscles.”
Bay is eyeing a passion project at the moment which is a documentary on elephant poaching. Now there’s a movie I’d watch, poachers getting blown up. Bring on the Bayem!