When he's not making R-Rated fan films of established properties (Power/Rangers, James Bond: In Service of Nothing), Adi Shankar is a pretty successful producer, with The Grey, Lone Survivor, Killing Them Softly, and Dredd to his name. That final movie has become something of a sticking point, with fans (myself included) clamouring for a sequel to the ultra violent, endlessly entertaining comic book adaption, but since the movie came close but ultimately failed to make back its budget (earning $41 million off the back of $45 million), despite generally positive reviews all round, that isn't going to happen anytime soon. To explain why, Shankar has put together this informative, expletive filled video which not only explains the current state of a Dredd sequel, but also serves as a nice lesson in how movie financing works.
So the sequel isn't dead and buried, but considering it's abysmal box office performance (which is absolutely criminal by the way. Far worse movies starring Liam Neeson have been inexplicably more successful), there doesn't seem to be enough behind it for the three solutions that Shankar laid out to actually happen. But even though we have the facts, my fingers remain crossed.